10 Things I Learned At My First Gencon

  1. Peppy Diner is the only restaurant in Indiana. PERIOD.

  2. Tawny Fritz will cut you given the right circumstances.

  3. Tawny Fritz will flip coins out of your hand in ANY circumstance.

  4. A leaky air mattress leaks twice as fast even if you like the dude you’re sharing it with.

  5. Gencon people are really kind and generous. (The guy who gave me a Frazzetta toy box set, just cause, is a fucking champ. And Australians are wonderful and are patient interviewers.)

  6. Walgreens sells air mattresses at Midnight.

  7. CVS doesn’t.

  8. Go to every event you’re invited to (if you can), especially if it is outside your circle, genre, comfort zone. The guys at Dog Might were super cool and throw a great con party.

  9. Don’t wear a backpack to a dance club. I know it sucks to run back to the hotel to change, and unload your gear, but you also don’t want to carry it around when you want to shake your ass.

  10. Shake your ass. Even if you’ve got 30 lbs of gear on your back.

I will have a more detailed write-up on my Gencon experiences coming soon!